Who we are

We are the craftsmen of climate finance

At Homaio, we believe that market forces have the greatest capacity to solve the economic and financial challenges posed by global warming at a systemic, global level. So we’re crafting and curating the purest, most uncompromising climate assets: aligning individual interest with true climate impact. And we’d love your help in bringing them to life.

Valentin has spent the last 15 years leveraging technology to build businesses. Harnessing his background in banking and fintech, he founded Homaio with the desire to design accessible yet uncompromising climate assets.

Want to invest in climate assets ? Send him an email or a message
on Linkedin !
Valentin Lautier


Leveraging a decade-long background in IT Consulting and Fintech startups (Adomik, Payfit, Lemonway), Adrien plays a pivotal role in crafting and overseeing the deployment of Homaio's Climate Investment Platform and its operational frameworks.

Connect with him for expert guidance on product initiatives
and operational matters!
Adrien Lebas


Monna is leveraging her expertise from the fast-paced trading floor of New York's financial markets to navigate the complexities of climate assets.
As the Head of Research, she provides your climate finance education and makes carbon markets simple.

For any questions on the market, price activity, your portfolio...
Feel free to reach out!
Monna Dimitrova


Siptène initially trained as a Chef, before joining French fintech October at the very beginning of the credit market disruption in 2015. He then continued to hone his skills at Anaxago, starting 2020.

He brings a decade of experience working with investors seeking alternative investment opportunities, and is spearheading's Homaio's expansion.

Want to invest in Climate assets or offer our products to your clients ?
Call him up !
Siptène Pirbay

Partners & Investors Relations

With 3 years' experience designing identities and digital tools in fintech, Sixtine redefines what it means to invest in the purest assets.
As the creative force behind Homaio, she shapes the brand identity and creates stellar experiences for uncompromising climate investors.

Any feedback or insights?
Share it with her
Sixtine Mailleux


After four years as a strategy consultant designing public policy and advising large industries, Anaïs joined Frichti were she oversaw marketing & branding. She built the company in one of France's most established consumer brand in a highly competitive environment. She is now building Homaio's brand from the ground up and preaching previously unheard stories.

For any opportunies,
Feel free to reach out!
Anaïs Schneider


Backed by

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Samuli Sirén
Samuli Sirén

Managing Partner at Redstone

"Once in a while, you stumble on teams with a vision that is truly unique and the potential to upend entire industries. Redstone was built to discover them and help them thrive. Homaio has been uncompromising in building investment products designed for impact and returns, and rethinking what climate investments mean. We're proud to be their lead investor."

Our North Star

We relentlessly deliver returns and impact

Our users trust us to provide them with investment opportunities combining strong return potential and a real impact on emissions reductions. They charge us to realize this mission, at a time when financial institutions have generally disappointed their clients with opaque ESG claims and vague impact on the environment. We’re assembling a team of sharp, humble, and embattled doers comfortable with complex systems. Precision, persistence, and an extraordinary level of energy are essential. Carbon allowances are going to be a dominating asset class of the coming decades. And everything is yet to be built.

Join us

Want to take on humanity’s greatest challenge?

We’re assembling a team of gentle monsters to build the investment platform of the climate generation.

You don’t recognize yourself in any of these positions ? We’re looking for black swans, ugly ducklings, and other five-legged sheep. If you want to be part of something big at the intersection of tech, climate, and finance, reach out to team@homaio.com .